Summary: Henry comes in and asks Lenina to a feely. However, she declines due to her depression by John's actions. She then tells Fanny about it and she, much like the ordeal with Henry Foster, says Lenina should stay off the one man mentality and be more promiscuous.
John then hears his doorbell ring, hoping it's Helmholtz answers it, revealing Lenina. John and Lenina admit their love for each other and John spurs some Shakespeare at her. She really doesn't understand and grows irritable at John going on about lions, vacuum cleaners, and crazy stuff. She is a little under the influence of soma at this moment, and she presents her self naked to John where he smacks her and calls her a whore.
She then runs to the bathroom to inspect her damages. After a long wait in the bathroom, John gets a phone call, presumably about Linda and he rushes to see her. Lenina then takes the opportunity to sneak out of his house and go back home.
Literary Elements:
- "There be some sports are painful but their labour delight in them sets off."
- "But some kinds of baseness are nobly undergone" ^continuation^
- "If thou dost break her virgin knot before all sanctimonious ceremonies may with full and holy rite..."
- "The murkiest den, the most opportune place, the strongest suggestion our worser genius can, shall never melt mine honour into lust."
- "The strongest oaths are straw to the fire i' the blood. Be more abstemious, or else goodnight your vow."
Timon of Athens:
- "For those milk paps that through the window bars bore at men's eyes..."
- "Impudent Strumpet!"
King Lear:
- "The wren goes to't and the small gilded fly does lecher in my sight. The fitchew nor the soiled horse goes to't with a more riotous appetite. Down from the waist they are Centaurs, though women all above. But to the girdle do the gods inherit. Beneath is all the fiend's. There's hell, there's darkness, there is a sulphurous pit, burning, scalding, stench, consumption; fie, fie, fie, pah, pah! Give me an ounce of civet, good apothecary, to sweeten my imagination."
Trolius and Cressida:
- "Outliving beauty's outward with a mind that doth renew than blood decays."
Twelfth Night:
- "If I do not usurp myself, I am."
Trypanosomiasis - (n.) - A parasitic sleeping infection.
Strumpet - (n.) A promiscuous woman, whore.
Why Chapter is Important:
This chapter shows John and Lenina's emotions for each other and misunderstood they are of each other. Since mostly everything John knows about love has been from learned from Shakespeare and Linda's situation and how it related to Hamlet only reinforced his justification of his actions/decisions from Shakespeare. Lenina's hypnopaedic learning and the New World way of living is how she acts towards her attraction to John.
Although, Lenina's whore-like behaviour is very discomforting to John who has been rapidly finding society to his disliking doesn't help one bit. More and more is being thrown at John and it shouldn't be too long before he snaps! :O
Good review of John/Lenina's near relationship. In another world they may have worked out, but like Romeo and Juliet, they are doomed.