Thursday, January 26, 2012

Prints of Whales Trip ~_~ Homework

1. Why does Huck observe but does not participate in the schemes of the duke and king?
Because he is being an observer. He doesn't want to get involved in whatever sort of crime they are putting themselves into. He also knows what they are doing is wrong and doesn't really want to do the wrong thing even though some acts may be alright in the view of the common people in the society. Huck doesn't want to cause any upsets within the raft either, he figures being peaceful with the two men while they adventure with Huck and Jim is a lot better than starting a quarrel and getting their raft jacked and maybe even getting killed!

2. Through the Grangerford episode, Twain was able to criticize the myth of Southern honor. What myth of Southern life does Twain satirize in the Sherburn / Boggs incident (which, by the way, was based on a true incident)? What aspect of human nature does Twain satirize through the scene in the drugstore?
The vigilante justice, the law is in the hands of the Southerners. The title of being a man is something held in high regard as well and when that title is insulted or one does not simply live up to be a man, they are depressed and hurt, as shown in the town's attitude when the Sheriff mocks the whole community. 

3. Compare the circus with the entertainment supplied by the duke and king?
The circus is full of talent and there are some people present to watch it. The duke and the king overhype their performance and fish in a large crowd and make a large sum of money with guaranteed customers the next day. The hard work of the skilled circus workers doesn't nearly get them enough earnings as the phony conmen with their silly show. 

4. What does Huck's reaction to the circus incident tell us about him? Whom does he think was most deceived?
5. What is Twain implying about human nature through the advertising for the "Royal Nonesuch"?
The people are more inclined to go see it if the women and children aren't permitted, for it may have sensitive/suggestive material. This means that humans are more likely to want to come see some unrated entertainment, the worse of what there is to offer, rather than clean, family fun such as watching elephants juggle or monkeys doing handstands.

6. "What was the use to tell Jim these warn't real kings and dukes? It wouldn't a done no good; and besides, it was just as I said; you couldn't tell them from the real kind." What does Twain imply?
Royalty figures are being mocked and they aren't something to be looked up to and Huck does not wish to expose the true situation to Jim for it wouldn't make much of a difference and it could start a fight and get them into some trouble that they want to avoid.

7. What is significant about the story of 'Lizabeth?
It shows a deeper, sentimental side of Jim that the society refuses to acknowledge he has. He is filled with guilt and sorrow for what he has done to his daughter. Jim is unable to forgive himself, which is a strong feeling that the whites deny the blacks of having.

8. Tell Huck's story so far. Develop a chronology of events - the more detailed the better! 

Huck Discussion Questions XXIV - XXVII

1. As we have discussed, clothes can play a symbolic or thematic role in the novel. Huck even says that he "never knowed how clothes could change a body before." Discuss the thematic role of clothes in these chapters.

There has been a lack of clothes of both Jim and Huck in previous chapters where they were out on the raft, having a good time away from everybody. They were at peace, and nothing could change that, and no one was there to judge the fact that they weren't clothed.

2. Comment on the last paragraph of Chapter XXIV. Make a connection to Twain's description of the Arkansas town. Why is Huck's response to the Peter Wilks incident so strong? Why does Huck make moral evaluations now (you'll recall that he remained morally neutral concerning the prior schemes of the duke and king)?

Huck is starting to develop feelings and morals. Not that he didn't have any to begin the book with, but he is building them up and they are coming to become his character and act as a more prevalent figure in his life. He starts rationalizing everything that is going on despite what everyone else/society seems to believe and makes his own judgement which only gets stronger and more educated as he goes on.

3. What qualities do the Wilks girls have that allow them to be fooled so easily?

Being in the society, being orphans now, and having never seen their uncles before and having the two men stroll in and act as their family. They are eager for their uncles to arrive and the romantic notion that they would make such a long travel is so appealing to them, any pair of men that walked through the door saying they were related, they would've believed!

4. Why is it significant that Joanna eats in the kitchen? What is the significance of her nickname? What themes are revealed?
Eating in the kitchen is a sign of poverty, servitude, being a slave, etc.! Most people, notably richer families, have dining areas/dining rooms separate from the kitchen where slaves aren't permitted to join them.

5. Previously Huck has refused to hinder the antics of the king and duke. Now he attempts to foil their scheme. Why? What theme(s) from the novel can you apply to Huck's change in attitude?
Huck feels horrible for what the King and Duke are doing to the poor, now-orphaned girls. They are being manipulated and taken advantage of and Huck feels it's gone too far this time, as opposed to their previous schemes. Huck doesn't want the girls to suffer any more than they already have and he must reveal to them that they are not actually the girls' uncles and in fact frauds out for their own benefit.

Huck Questions XXVIII - XXX

1. Twain was heavily criticized for bad taste due to his description of the funeral toward the end of Chapter XXVII. Why do you think he was criticized, and do you think the criticism justified?

Because the undertaker, someone who is connected with death and sadness is portrayed as someone the town looks up to and very friendly. He also kills a dog at will just for making too much noise in the cellar and then lies about it. This chapter takes such a sad setting such as a funeral and pokes fun at how serious it seems to be and how people tend to over-emotionalize/romanticize death when realistically, he feels that the people are gone forever and people need not feel sad over it for too long and just get on with life.

2. On page 141 Huck says, ". . . here's a case where I'm blest if it don't look to me like the truth is better, and actuly safer, than a lie." Explain.

Huck tells the truth to Mary Jane because he feels that she doesn't deserve another person lying to her, and that if he created more lies it would fall back on him

3. In these three chapters Huck finds himself having to lie for various reasons. How do his motives differ?

Huck has changed at this point in the book, and all lies and fibs previous were to just save himself and not cause trouble. Huck's motives have changed as he discovers his feelings and finds good/bad qualities in people. He feels the need to lie now to protect people and prevent people from being betrayed or hurt by the lies of others.

4. Why doesn't Twain involve Jim more in these chapters?

Because he is currently painted as a blue Arab to avoid detection. I think Twain put him out of the way like this because he knew the attitude towards blacks from the people of the time and wanted to show that with him out of the way, the white people can do just as bad (if not worse!) as the blacks in the view of society. 

5. Does Huck's escape from Hines say anything about Hines' character?

It shows the excitement/romanticism that goes with finding/digging up a large bag of gold in a grave somewhere in the hills. It is distracting and is important to a lot of people and Twain doesn't seem to like that. Hines' actions also show greed, reinforcing a corrupt society.

6. How does Huck feel about Mary Jane? Why does Huck tell her to go away? Significance?

He has feelings for all three girls but most for Mary Jane. She is the only one he trusts in telling the truth to, and has her run away while he attempts to sort something out.

7. Discuss the significance of Huck's statement, ". . . anybody but a lot of prejudiced chuckleheads would a seen that the old gentlemen was spinning truth and t'other one lies."

Huck thinks it obvious which story is real and which is not, and is saying that had he not been with the king and the duke to begin with, he would've seen through them just as easy. However, the family has romanticized the idea that their uncles had come from far off in order to see their dead brother so the family was in a position to believe just about anyone that would fit the story.

8. What does the doctor represent?

Realism, for he presents logical thinking in the debate on whether or not the king and the duke are frauds.

9. By the end of Chapter XXX, do you think Twain vindicates the characters of the duke and king or does he have them remain as villains? Explain.

He has them remain as villains, and does so to help build Huck's character. Huck needs to learn through these two men that there is something wrong with the way they carry out their work and the life they lead.

Huck Discussion Questions XXXI - XXXV

1. Would you say that Chapter 31 represents the climax of the novel? Why or why not?
Yes, because Huck is finally making a decision. He is setting himself down a path of unholiness and crime against God because he feels it is how he is raised and it is what he is meant to do. Huck is actually doing an exceptionally kind act for a friend that he cares a lot for. Up to this point, Huck has been questioning what he should do and has been taking a back-seat through all the events, just going along with it. This time, he sets himself straight, and determines for himself where he needs to go in life. 

2. Huck says, "All right, then, I'll go to hell." Explain the irony in that statement. 
The statement is the climax of the story. Huck accepts his fate in doing something wrong in stealing someone's property in order to gain back his friend. However, he only feels that this is a bad idea and will condemn him to eternal damnation in hell because of the society, for what he is doing is actually very good-hearted.

3. Discuss the symbolism of the imagery at the beginning of Chapter 32.

The farm-life and the surrounding area is peaceful, it appears to foreshadow the significance of the area and the people because it is going to be familiar to Huck as it is the land of Tom Sawyer, whom he is well acquainted with.

4. Discuss Huck's understanding of Providence (215)? Would Miss Watson agree?

Huck's wits and natural gift of thinking well on his feet in order to save himself some trouble have been acredited to Providence. Miss Watson probably wouldn't agree with such a statement, nor would she agree with the fact that stealing property such as a slave just to set him free would be an instant free ride to the pits of hell either. Huck hasn't learned that he can be forgiven by God, and the world around him clouds what is actually right because his actions/intentions are pure.

5. How does Twain use irony in the discussion between Huck and Mrs. Phelps about the "steamboat accident."

Phelps asks if anyone was hurt, and is relieved to hear that only a black person has died. Blacks are still not considered people and the fact that one died sits well within the society since they are nothing more than easily renewable property.

6. One of the recurring themes becomes apparent when Huck discovers that the Phelps are expecting Tom Sawyer. Which theme comes to mind and why?

Romanticism vs. Reality. The situation that Twain presents is highly unrealistic. It's literally a one and a million chance of such a thing happening and it is a recurring theme in most adventure novels and romantic titles that Twain has openly despised. This makes sense as Tom is somewhat a symbol of the adventure-seeking romanticist while also being a product of a corrupt society. Twain could be suggesting a connection between romanticizing an adventurous life and not embracing realistic events could be the reason why corruption and bad people exist. (It's a stretch, but whatever.)

7. Huck and Tom both agree to help Jim escape; however, their motives are different. Explain.

Huck hopes to regain his friend and get him out of slavery. (Which was essentially his goal to begin with.) Tom wants to have fun, and please himself with an exciting time with all the danger and adrenaline a boy could wish for.

8. "...and as they went by I see they had the king and duke astraddle of a rail - that is, I knowed it WAS the king and the duke, though they was all over tar and feathers. ...Well it made me sick to see it; and I was sorry for them poor pitiful rascals. ...Human beings CAN be cruel to one another" (225). Comment. What does this reveal about Huck's character? 

The two con-artists have been tarred and feathered. (Sorry, I laughed when I read this.) Huck watches the two men with compassion and sympathy because he knows despite all the wrong they have done in the past, it is still sad to see them be put through such a torture. It shows Huck is developing into a kind-hearted person, no matter what previous wrong-doings he has encountered with someone. Especially these two men, have arguably done something quite unforgivable, Huck still finds room in his heart to feel sorry for them.

9. Discuss the irony in Tom's reaction to the stealing of the watermelon.

Tom's never actually stolen something and has always left money lying around amounting to more than the 'stolen' item was worth. Tom's reaction shows himself more as a product of society and contrasts the rebellious nature of Tom's character that Huck aspired to be for so long. It also puts an interesting twist on the meaning of family theme, since Jim is the property of Tom's relatives and therefore it is alright for him to

10. Why does Huck let Tom take control?
Because he knows that Tom is much more savvy in many situations. Earlier in the book, Huck has mentioned many times that he wishes Tom were with him to execute a plan more fluidly, or with more style. Huck also believes that Tom wants the control over certain things for his own amusement and fulfillment and Huck has grown to be passive in these sort of situations such as with Pap and the King and the Duke.

Huck Discussion XXXVI-XXXIX - Written Assignment

Directions: Please write a minimum of three paragraphs on the following topic. Supply evidence from Chapters 35 - 39 to support your answer. It is due next class period. Think carefully about your answer.
Twain criticizes the Romantics. The Romantics based their literature on the conviction that imagination and emotion were superior to reason. You will recall that in Chapters 12 & 13, Twain names the wrecked steamboat The Walter Scott after a Romantic author, metaphorically relating it to the demise of Romanticism. Obviously, Twain was not a fan of Romantic fiction.

The Question: How was Twain's disdain for Romantic fiction evident in Chapters 36-39?
Hint - Think about:
1. Tom's character as symbolic of the Romantic;
2. how Huck has changed since Tom arrived;
3. the practicality of the plans for Jim's escape;
4. the consideration for Jim's welfare in these plans.

Huck Discussion Questions XL-Chapter the Last

1. What do we learn about Jim in these chapters?

2. What effect does the Doctor's speech in support of Jim have? How do you feel about that?

3. What is the significance of the bullet?

4. Where is Huck going at the end of the novel? What does this imply about his view of the world in which he lives?

5. Comment on the style of the novel. Do you feel it represents the Realist tradition as we have discussed it? What aspects of Huck's character make him a good narrator? What problems did you encounter (if any) due to Huck's narration? Speculate on how a different narrator or a third person omniscient narrator would impact the story.

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