Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Yay Yay Yay - Group Questions Part Deux

1. Who are the "owners of the land"? What are their main characteristics? How do the owners use terms such as "the Bank" and "the Company"? Why do the owners speak "as though the Bank or the Company were a monster"? Why is it said that "When the monster stops growing, it dies. It can't stay one size"? Why is it said that "The bank is something more than men, I tell you. It's the monster. Men made it, but they can't control it."?

The owners of the land are the banks, who are characterized by a large, destructive monster who sucks up everything and eats the farmer's. The bank and the company are used because they are associated with money and the process of making more of it. This puts money as the primary concern for them; the top on the list of priorities, leaving little room for caring about the farmers of the land that they work. It repossesses the land in the sake of saving as much money as possible, no matter how minuscule the amount it is. 

2. What does the cotton do to the land? Why do the farmers plant it?

The cotton is planted and it takes all the nutrients and water from the already hard-to-work soil. They hope to plant it all and make the land essentially useless, so they can sell to unsuspecting people.

3. What is the role and effect of technology in the mode of production depicted in the novel? What are the effects of increased productivity (due to technology) on the lives of farmers and labourers? How are tractors characterized? How about their drivers? What is their relationship to the land they work? What is happening to the land? What economic trend do the hired tractor drivers represent? What forms of production seem no longer possible? What seems to be the only alternative?

(Tractors --> Described as Insects --> Locusts --> Plague!)

4. What are the tenants thoughts on large amounts of property (five, ten thousand acres)? How does the size of the land affect the relations between the owner and the land he owns? How is the size of the land related to economic imperatives and emerging modes of production?

5. What arguments do the tenants use against the repossession of their lands by the owners? Why do they repeatedly point out that "Grampa took up the land, and he had to kill the Indians and drive them away... and he killed weeds and snakes"? Is this Ironic? Why?

They feel that the repossession isn't at all fair since the land is their livelihood and their way of sustaining themselves, supporting their family. They do so much with it, and they figure they should own because they're physically, mentally, and to some extent emotionally attached to it, rather than holding a piece of paper which is the only notification of the banks' ownership. Comparing snakes and weeds to the Indians, symbolizing them as things that are not wanted on the land that need to get out. However, the irony is that the farmers are mad that they are getting kicked off their land, when in fact Grampa kicked the Indians off their land and they feel this is justified. Snakes are more than likely a biblical reference here.

6. What is the significance of the unhung gate and the story of the Jacobs's baby devoured by a pig because a door was left open? What does the unhung gate indicate? What do the gates symbolize? What is their purpose, both literal and symbolic? How do such images relate to the concerns of the novel?

The gate was never kept open after the incident with the Baby getting eaten by a pig! :) The fact the gate is left open indicated to Tom that no one is around. His family, or more specifically, his mother is dead or they've moved somewhere else.

7. Why is there a picture of an Indian girl ("Red Wing") on the wall of the house? What about the sofa pillow (with a picture of an Indian on it) Grampa stole from Albert Rance? What about Albert's claim that "Grampa got Injun blood"?

Perhaps there is a connection between the manifest destiny and the overtaking of Indian land and the banks repossession of the land from the farmers. The house is desolate, ripped apart, with all the things taken out. Tom Joad has nothing left here, which is how the Native Americans felt once they got their land taken from them while being relocated to reservations or getting killed off. 

8. What is the significance of the figure of Muley Graves who refuses to leave the land? What does his name suggest? Why is he "like a damn ol' graveyard ghos'"? Why does he say, "If they throw me off, I'll come back, an' if they figger I'll be quiet underground, why. I'll take couple-three of the sons-a-bitches along for company"? Is this the only ghost that walks the land? What are ghosts anyway? Is this land haunted?

Muley means hornless when referring to a cow, or just a cow without horns. Stubborn as a mule is also an expression which fits the stubborn quality of Graves' wanting to stay on the land to rebel against the owners. Graves equates to death, lack of life, depression, all of which seem to suit the surrounding farmlands. He is described like a graveyard ghost due in part to his name, and perhaps the idea of a ghost town is a town that had all its inhabitants relocated with just empty buildings sitting alone. The farmlands seem to fit this description. 

9. Why do the owners claim (in Muley's words) that "We can't afford to keep no tenants... the share a tenant gets is jus' the margin, a profit we can't afford to lose."

It's too costly to keep folks around, especially on the land that is costing them money and not receiving any revenue from shortage of crop prices. The tenants get a portion of the share of the final profit, which is imperative to sustain their families and lead a life. The money-monster-bank can't see this as anything important, so they have to constantly be making as much money as possible, so they kick the families out on their own and possess their land. The amount paid to the farmer's is too much to be given away, so the bank feels it needs it.

10. Why does Muley share his food with Tom and Casy? What is his argument justifying his obligation to share? 

He does this because he has food and the other two men don't. He feels that he doesn't have a choice if one man's hungry and the other man has food, nothing can be done. He has to share. He was brought up on this value, and goes into the farmer morality and the good qualities in the farmer's as opposed to the Bank-monster who feel that if they have money and the farmer/tenants are struggling for it, they have the right to take it away from them and hoard the money for themselves. :(

1 comment:

  1. Good answers for the most part here. You need to look at questions 3 and 4.
