Monday, November 14, 2011


"The decision once made, a glow of strange enjoyment threw its flickering brightness over the trouble of his breast. It was the exhilarating effect--upon a prison just escaped from the dungeon of his own heart--of breathing the wild, free atmosphere of an unredeemed, unchristianized, lawless region." ((Chapter 18/PAGE 176))

They're getting out of America!! Such a relief to get out of such a dreadful place such as the Puritan settlement. The enjoyment emits a strange glow from Arthur. (Like the meteor light!)

This 'exhilarating effect' comes from the departure of the religiously-strong place along with Hester to settle their guilt. The prison of the town is the only escape, along with death, detailed in the beginning of the book. However, Hester and Arthur have proved otherwise by overcoming such a force in the civilization as they have communed with nature and have decided to go back to their roots (!!!) and retreat to their home country. 

Some of the word choice towards the end seem to signify the importance and strength of nature. Suggesting that the land desirable is pure nature, unaltered by Christianity and laws made by men. 

1 comment:

  1. The enjoyment emits a glow like the meteor light (yes) and their escaping the dungeon - think prison - which is the Puritan society. Good insight into nature being unaltered by Christianity and laws!
