Summary: Bernard's behaviour has gotten the Director into a mood where he feels he needs to make a public example of him, by embarrassingly exiling him to Iceland. He tells this to Henry since he feels that Bernard's behaviour is jeopardizing the structure of society and must be removed because they make plenty more Alphas to fill his place.
The tables are turned however when Bernard arrives! Bernard is faced towards the Director in a populated room filled with Decanting Centre workers and is asked whether or not he has any reason to persuade him NOT to send him away from London. Bernard does!
Bernard opens the door to reveal Linda with all her fatness along with John. Linda tries to pressure the Director into remembering who she is, which he avoids under uncomfortable circumstances. He is a little embarrassed, but when John throws himself down at his feet yelling "MY FATHER!" The whole room lights up in uproarious laughter. This causes the Director to resign due to sheer humiliation.
Coquettishly [coquette] - (N.) a woman who flirts lightheartedly with men.
---------------------(adv.) in a very flirtatious manner.
Literary Elements:
Irony: The sheer thought that anyone in the society would be an actual father becomes extremely comical and hilarious.
Why Chapter is Important:
The chapter marks the beginning of John's journey in the New World. Sadly, it starts out with him humiliating his father to a point where he quits his job and runs away. Not starting out so well...
It also raises some questions about the society. The way the Decanting Centre is compared to a beehive can make you wonder about how insect-natured and colony-esque the workings of the system are.
There is also some dialogue that leads to the question "what is an individual?" which can almost be said to be a main moral focus spanning the whole novel.
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