Saturday, November 27, 2010

BRAVE NEW WORLD |---[ Chapter 11 ]---|>

Summary: Bernard is able to keep his job due to the Director resigning. Bernard gets very happy as he is now seen as the appointed guardian of the Savage (John) which only increases his popularity. Everybody is clamoring to see this 'creature' from all parts of London.
Now he gets girls, people stop judging him by his attitude, there are no more rumors about the alcohol in his blood surrogate; everything he had been complaining about before! He speaks to Helmholtz about this, who said before does not care for Bernard's boasting, ignores him in a depressed silence. Bernard outraged by the lack of attention given to him, stops being Helmholtz's friend and vows never to speak to him again. (A little harsh!)

After a while, Bernard writes Mustapha Mond a letter detailing the way he feels about society. How he could make it better. How it is too easy. This upsets Mustapha and begins to feel the same way as the Director, finding Bernard to be a heretic. He plans a punishment that will teach him a lesson...

Meanwhile John goes to a few places. First, the Hospital for the Dying which is were his mother, Linda, is being held. She has been overdosing on soma ever since she returned to the New World and doesn't have much to live. John sees this as wrong, seeing as how letter her do this to herself is just shortening her life, when really (according to Dr. Shaw) is lengthening it due to her time spent in ethereal eternity within herself.
He then goes to Eton where there are children that watch movies based on savages like him who whip themselves. They find these movies to be hilarious and John begins to slowly lose faith in humanity. (He restates the 'O Brave New World...' quote to a much different implied meaning then when his attitude was much more optimistic.)

Last, Lenina tells Fanny about her attraction to John. She doesn't know that John is very infatuated with her and spent some time back in the Reservation sniffing through her belongings. Then both of them go to a movie together which features a black man stealing a women and having a 3 week long 'adventure' in a helicopter. Lenina, along with the rest of the audience find it lovely where John finds it as ignoble filth. After the movie is over, Lenina goes home and John goes home to read Othello in his room.

Literary Elements:
Dr. Shaw ---> Allusion to George Bernard Shaw (Whom Bernard Marx alludes to, as well as Karl Marx)

Mozart, Lucrezia Ajugari --- > Lucrezia Aguiari, famous musicians

The Merchant of Venice ---> "What's in those, those caskets?"

Repeat of the 'O Brave New World' quote from the Tempest. (Allusion, Irony)

Ariel could put a girdle 'round the earth in forty minutes, Allusion to Tempest.

Eternity was in our lips and eyes, Allusion to Antony & Cleopatra

Peyotl ---> not found in 2 dictionary sites.
     however, Peyote - (n.) similar to mescal

Cadged - (v.) To borrow without intent to repay.

Tete-a-tete -(n.) a convseration specifically held between just to people...

Vitrified - (v.) to convert, or be converted into glass.

Prognathous - (adj.) having enlarged jaws, protrusive jaw structure.

Why Chpater is Important:
       This chapter marks the beginning of Bernard's change in the story. He is gaining confidence, but a little too much. It all goes to his ego, and when he boasts about it to Helmholtz, Helmholtz doesn't satisfy Bernard with a glorified response so Bernard breaks off all communications with him.

John also begins to take a disliking to the New World state. The feely he watches, the kids in the Hospital for the Dying, and the people that laugh at the self-whipping savages all bring down any desire for the new society that he once had.

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