Monday, November 15, 2010

Vocabulary Quiz Part #2 (How Mustapha Mond became World Controller?)

          Mustapha Mond was born around the time of A.F. 534 in Liverpool, England; in a time where the world was thrust into a state of turmoil, nuclear war was imminent, and every single world leader was ruminating upon a way to bring peace to world.

           Once then President of England Roger Serbert was assassinated in A.F. 556, Mustapha was already a prodigious politician. He had a very big following at such a young age, and people admired him with his promises to bring change to the world. He talked a big talk, yet his high charismatic personality won the hearts of millions within just half a year of his campaigning. Mustapha was sure to win the election for President of England with as many supporters as he had, but Mustapha was axiomatic about the World's state. He saw how unhappy people were, he saw the economic troubles plaguing every nation, he was aware of the tension with the nuclear war. His epic plan, from which he thought years before he began his quest for Country-Leadership, was to end all the troubles. To push the reset button on the whole and breed a new era of humans with no problems, no mishaps, and bring forth a new dawn of man without the inclusion of war.

           Mustapha Mond was growing eager for his election to come as he had all his preparations made and ready. He had banded together at least 100 of his top assistants and leading men to help. When election day finally arrived, there was a big mass of votes flooding in for Mustapha Mond. So much so that the vote for Mustapha Mond was unanimous, beating fourteen other contenders clear out of the water! There was no mollifying the other politician's anger, for they felt cheated of their votes because of Mustapha's charismatic character. (They had a feeling there was some bribery afoot, due to the mass amount of cohorts that Mustapha conned into helping him.)

           Nonetheless, Mustapha wasn't going to have to handle any of the death threats, legal actions, or persecution from the sore losers. He held a meeting with his top men/scientists, he reminded them of how they were going to bring synthetic, predetermined castes to the world. He then appointed nine of other people to play a similar role as him in the new society. This was a magnaminity and each of the nine now leaders of world bowed down to Mustapha in respect and thanks. Once the meeting was over, it was time for the plan to be initiated. To bring upon a grand precipice felt only to those outside of the secret fallout shelter underneath the Presdential Office. The 100 men went down 50 stories underground. It was a big platinum room that held a gigantic command console that Mustapha had his anxious eye on. Once he had checked to see if all of his companions were safe, he rushed over to the console and put his finger over a large, cliché red button. He gave a dramatic hesitation, before pressing down on the button that would unleash nuclear missles on the world. Mustapha had a sadistic smirk on his face, and he turned to his men, who in unison all gave a hearty laugh. The world belonged to them now.

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