Summary: Bernard, seeing John as somewhat of an outcast (like him) talks to him. He asks him to tell some stories of what John can earliest remember. John does so; tells tales of sorrow, prejudice, and of how he was alienated to due to his mother and being blonde. Through all the stories, Bernard has been plotting a very ingenious plan, and once John finished his horrific tales of his youth, Bernard asks if he would care to come back to the New World along with him and Lenina. John is overjoyed but wishes to bring Linda as well. Bernard thinks that that's not a good idea, although he gives it a little thought and it plays very well with his plan, so he gladly accepts them both to travel back with him.
Kiva - (n.) An underground ceremonial chamber in Pueblo villages.
Literary Elements:
The reason Bernard laughs when denying his marriage to Lenina. He laughs since it is silly for people to get married to ONE person, since everyone belongs to everyone. Of course Bernard doesn't really care for that whole idea, but it is still slightly comical to him that he would ask.
Found a List of all the Shakespeare Quotes found in this book, so bwahaha!:
"Nay, but to live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,
Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love
Over the nasty sty..."
"When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, Or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed..."
"Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villian!"
^ All allusions to Hamlet ^
"To-morrow, to-morrow, to-morrow..."
^ Macbeth ^
"O wonder! How many godly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O Brave New World that has such people in it!
^ The Tempest ^ - From which the title is derived -
Most of the allusions, and a good majority of the things that come out of John's mouth, are from Shakespeare because it has been the only thing that John has been able to read in life on the Reservation.
Why Chapter is Important: Since we were just introduced to John, we are given his backstory through this chapter. His emotions that come through will more than likely play a huge role in the further development of the conflict and story. Due to his similarities with Bernard (being an outside, different.) and how he was alienated and despised, could affect his disposition towards the Director and any who care to interact with him in the World State.
There is more description of the Reservation, especially of the youth life and the way Linda had raised John along with comparing what lesson she had taught him to what the Indian elders would tell John.
Good - I like the laugh.